Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday, May 27

I have failed to write out many of notes the past few days just because the immense amount of meetings and field work that the Lord has provided us with. I'm sitting here in the internet cafe finishing up another long hour of writing up my journal entries maybe 20 miles away from Linda. It's hard to believe that the same country can have such a nice interent cafe and the run down what some may call slums.

The last few days have a few important notes that I'd like to describe.

For most of my time here in Zambia, I, like most college students have done my best to sleep in, this however hasn't meant the 10 or 11 am that most have the luxury to, but nearly 8 or 8:30. The problem with this time however, is that most Zambian days start around 6 or even 5:30 am. Wanting to try this out, and under the encouragement of Nicholas, I have started my day at 5:30 both of these past days and went out running with Nicholas. We have done sprints up and down some of the local hills. While this will never rival the workouts that my brother often does for track, I feel blessed to have the opportunity now to watch the sunrise each morning as I jog around and do some workouts. This gives me time as well to reflect and think about how God has blessed me in such incredible ways in Zambia, not only in keeping me safe but teaching me valuable lessons that I never would have thought were possible. Aside from that he has blessed me with amazing parents and friends who have cared for me. He has blessed me with you the reader, allowing me to place these thoughts on paper and than convey them at a later time to you. Your support and prayers are felt in immense ways. It really puts a whole new perspective on Paul's 1st Corinth's chapter 13.

We got a surprise visit from good old Justin Makowski and his brother's Will and Nathan yesterday. It was great to meet other fellow brothers in Christ. Nathan and Justin were finishing up a 10 day trip here in Zambia where they visited their brother Will who is serving in the peace corps.  Justin was able to join up with me in practicing with the soccer team yesterday. Justin and Nathan flew out this afternoon back to the states. As excited as I was for them to return, I can't help but wonder what feelings I'm going to have 6 weeks from now, it just gives me the shivers on what it's going to feel like to leave this place, my transition from college to here was so fast, I'll be honest college now feels like a great but distant memory.

I feel like I'm just rambling now, but thank you again for reading, and God bless you all. If you have any questions or just want to write, my most used e-mail address at this point is  know that I'm praying for all of you as well.  God Bless. Until Next time.

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