Friday, May 27, 2011

May 21

I'm in a very on fire mood as I write this blog post ( well actually I wasn't really seeing that I'm typing this a week later) however, today the Lord for some reason chose to give me some insight as well as give me the courage to speak up about some of the aspects here at Light of Hope is experiencing.

As much as the organization here is providing new and incredible services to the community, the organization at times lacks man power, but in addition the mere motivation to move forward. One of the biggest points that I can't understand is how much this organization takes to support its soccer team. The program costs for transportation as well as league payments are unbelievably high. Morever, what really makes it hard for me is that the program in my eyes at least so far hasn't accomplished what it set out to do. As great as the team is, the program struggles to truly build up the leaders of tomorrow. Talented soccer players show up drunk every day. The team lacks the chemistry that would be present at times of a Hope college intramural basketball team. Struggling to see if these were observations that the lord wanted me to share, I kept quiet for some time, however the director as well some of the players have been approaching me recently asking me on how they view the organization's finances. Only then under the spirit's guidance have we negotiated a series of meetings with coaches and the players with the goal of perhaps having the players come to the point of understanding for this organization on how they can better improve their team system and make it a sustainable soccer team that is draining money out of a NPO.

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