Monday, May 16, 2011

May 14

I woke up early today to pray before giving my sermon. The crowd was
large and had a diverse amount of people. Aside from mothers with
their children, there was a large group of senior citizens in the back
as well. The message the lord had me speak on was on the body of
Christ and how it connects with Love. This was found in Chapters 12
and 13 of 1st Corinthians. My translator, Mr. Pozo and I combined to
speak for about over an hour. The suggestion I really made in the
message was the importance of God's love.

Afterwards we ran more surveys with the community to get a better
understanding of the public health state of the community.

At around 2 in the afternoon, players began coming to Light of Hope to
see the shoes for the first time. They will be using the new shoes for
their game against the top team in the league tomorrow. The players
thanked me formally at the practice and promised to do their best
against the best team in the league. Afterwards I was asked by the
players to lead them in a bible study at night. Fortunately most of
these 20 players weren't at my sermon this past morning, so I was
allowed to give a similar message. Which talked about as great as the
shoes are that God was able to provide to them through me, it's by the
grace of God and his love that is actually everlasting. These shoes
wil get holes, and the soccer balls will wear out, my water filter
will break eventually, and sustainability can only last as long as
God's grace allows it to. At the end of the day the main message and
our top priority should lie in the love of God.

Around this time however I have developd a large rash on both my arms,
and they are absoultely on fire. It wasn't until I asked a local
pastor to pray for me, that the rash has died down, but there is still
a burning fire in my arms that I can't explain. While I am scared I
must come to the point of having faith in the will of God of whatever
results from this rash.

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