Wednesday, June 1, 2011

May 28

PRAISE GOD!!! I really am speechless as I write this down in my
journal I really don't know how to describe how neat of opportunity
the Lord presented me today. It took quite a bit of courage and
pushing from the Lord before I finally committed to give the sermons
that he gave me the opportunity to give today.

Last night after coming back from town, the Lord kept prying at me
that it was time to share the good news, it just happened so the next
morning as I walked into Light of Hope, Uncle Pozo, one of the local
caregivers asked me to give a message to the local nutrition group (
they meet every Saturday) While it is true that I have opened the word
and gave sermons to this group the last two Saturdays, normally, I am
given the night's notice before I give a message, making this a very
last minute type deal. With little preparation and under the
insistence of the LOH staff, I opened my bible and found myself in
Romans. I then prayed for the Lord's guidance as I promised to keep my
message short to save the audience's time, but also because I wasn't
entirely sure what the Lord would have me say.

What came next was the gospel, I presented the Roman's Road to
Salvation starting in Romans 3:23 about how ALL have sinned and fallen
short of the Glory of God, and talking about how in 6:23, the wages of
sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life though Jesus Christ
our Lord. The audience was most attentive, and I couldn't help but
notice that many including the director of LOH were crying after the
message, while I didn't ask for the audience to raise their hand
during prayer time ( not sure why the Loird didn't) Pastor Phiri and I
will work this next week to meet with those who did accept the Lord to
follow up on them and help them understand the decision that they

In the evening I was given a similar opportunity to preach to the Soccer
Team. Attendance this time around was quite high, and out of the 30
people in the room ( players, coaches, local community members) about
20 of them raised their hands after I lead them in a prayer to
salvation. Time will tell to see how God will work in their lives in
the future for obvious reasons, but I could really sense the spirit
moving this evening. And while I want to tell you that I'm pretty much
speechless at this current moment, I suppose my writing doesn't really
reflect that. Please pray for us the next few days, as many
individuals prayed the prayer that is the most important decision they
could ever make. We just hope that the Lord would reveal to them how
truly amazing of a decision they all made, and what could be in store
for them in the future.

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