Monday, May 16, 2011

May 13

Amon and Nick, two soccer players and I went out to do some surveying.
We are using teh KPC 2000, a WHO survey method of examining a
community from the perspecitve of sanitation as well as education. I
was so touched as we walked from house to house. Thye were very plain
and honest about their sad states. Many of them had no idea of child
health, were scared but yet have no idea how to stop HIV, and most
children never see a clinic for vaccination. We finished a total of 10
surveys, but my heart was eternally scarred by how poor of a state
this community is in.

At around 2:00 in the afternoon, we started giving away the equipment.
It was beautiful, the caregivers got so excited for the soccer team at
Light of Hope, some started crying. The director was stammering
something about how he didn't konw how to say thank you. It was quite
a joyful time. The boots will be used for the community team to
compete against city teams, as they continue to use the shoes as a way
for the players to reach the community.

In the afternoon the players asked me to join them in soccer training.
Wearing my climbing shoes, I slipped and slided across the dusted
ground, running with the players. While most of the time, most players
weren't very accepting of my gameplay, the few that work for Light of
Hope would pass it to me, at one point, I was given the opportunity
that sent a left footed cross lofting it over the goalie and in for a
header. The coaches all erupted in applause. I suppose they may let me
train with them again.

I have been asked to lead a bible study tomorrow at a nutrition group.
The crowd is about 40 Zambians, I will have a translator.  Please pray
for God's provision and for his words to speak.

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