Friday, May 20, 2011

May 18

I slept in today mainly because my phone ran out of battery so its alarm didn't wake me up. We ran some surveys this morning with the women in the community on PMTCT practices as well as other public health realted practices. What suprises me here is the education level of many of the people that we interview. The average education level that we have interviewed is less than 7th grade, for women, it's around 4th to 5th grade.

We also started to build a filter, we are still searching for a plumber in the area who may be able to provide us with some PVC material and threading practices. We also got to meet with the director of the local health clinic ran by the government and he was very interested in meeting with us in the future.

In the afternoon I went to train with the Light of Hope team that the shoes were donated for. We ran a drill where we played soccer 1 v. 1 the entire field. I learned today despite the fact that God has blessed me with stamina (somewhat) and the ability to sprint (okay, so maybe not that fast), my legs are no match against Zambian legs when we are playing on gravel and dirt. Even so most players claimed I held my own in other defensive drills stopping the offense from scoring.

I got another opportunity to lead a bible study today as well. God has given us the opportunity to meet each night around 6:00 by candleight with about 4 local pastors, Bianca, John, the director of Light of Hope and some of the soccer players. This is a great opportunity for us to witness to each other and give testimonies about what God has done in our lives including God's miraculous works such as the healings that I experienced last week as well as large conversions towards christ that have occured in Linda and elsewhere across Zambia. What's so special about this bible study is that it combines the current and future religious leaders of the community as well as Bianca and I. It's a true demonstration of the body of Christ.

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