Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sunday, May 29

We visited Light of Hope Gospel church for the second time today.
While we were praying as a church body today, it honestly felt like
there were maybe upwards of 100 to 300 people in the room praying out
loud when it was only about 20 people. The sound that filled the room
to me sounded more like tongues louder than I ever expected that would
come from 20 people. I will take some time to fully describe it in
another journal entry.

The soccer team traveled to Chelston today. Many of the individuals
that gave their lives over to Jesus Christ last night were there, and
even stopped to talk with me. The team took a nail biting 2-1 with the
team scoring in the 80th minute. On the way back, Bianca and I rode
back in a pickup truck. The team sang about 50 different songs on the
hour and a half bumpy ride back to Light of Hope. It was quite the
experience to have so many men singing different soccer songs. During
their chants they would throw in our names into them, as good as I
have been at trying to learn Nyanja, the local language here, it was
most difficult to comprehend what they were singing, although they did
insist on calling Bianca Beyonce in most of the songs, which was most

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