Monday, June 6, 2011

June 5

Under the insistence of Pastor Phiri, and by the Holy spirit's
guidance, I gave the sermon at Light of Hope Gospel Church this
morning. With only a crowd of about 20 individuals, the experience
wasn't very scary, as much as merely just draining. With a translator
at the side, and an obvious communication barrier, the Lord still
allowed me to deliver a message on the basics of Christianity and the
Good News. What's interesting I think about each of these situations
has been the fact that in each situation, as much as I prepare, the
Lord always seems to allow my mind to connect the dots in some new
revelation. I will give a better example in the future.

The soccer team unfortunately tied today in a match of 1-1. It was
quite an exciting game, and most interesting seeing that I've gotten
to know all of the players through practicing with them Monday through
Friday. The coach says he wants to feature me in an upcoming friendly
sometime soon.

In the evening, Warren and Nicholas revealed to us some pretty
interesting things about charms and witchcraft involved in soccer. It
was quite an interesting conversation, and while it's difficult
hearing about all of the different spells that some of the teams'
coaches cast on other teams. Apparently LOH last year used spells to
win games or something strange like that before some players stepped
up and asked the spells to be stopped as they wanted to win on their
own accord, even if it meant losing some games (it was quite decision
I must say). Bianca and I both concluded and were able to tell them
both that our God is not only greater than these charms, but will be
victorious through those who have faith in spiritual warfare.

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