Monday, June 6, 2011

June 4

Today I finally passed the 3 week mark in Zambia of the amount of time
that I've spent in Zambia in comparison to two years ago. It's been
quite interesting seeing how this time around has been so different
than before. For one, the Lord has really blessed me with a desire to
learn the language here, last time around, I was quite shy and really
had no desire to pick it up, but this time around the children seem
very intent on teaching it to me, including Taka, a 10 year old who
never stops smiling.  In other reflections, its just been nice to stay
in one place and be able to minister, last time around we visited
almost 5 different venues in the time that we've spent at LOH. What a
big difference!

The isolation here at LOH is nice, while I don't know who's in the NBA
finals (okay now I do after coming to the internet cafe) nor do I
know much about the news except for the Zambian news that blares on
the radio every evening and throughout the night because my host
brother loves listening to the zambian BBC the entire night

This morning, I got another opportunity to give a sermon to the
nutrition group. It was quite an experience as I gave a sermon on
hypocrisy. As stunning as it was to have the opportunity to lead 15
individuals to the Lord on Saturday, it was more stunning to see 16
adults at the end of the sermon today indicate that they had accepted
Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and that they wanted to commit
their life to them. Who would have thought a sophmore in college who's
a spanish degree at Hope would have that kind of opportunity? It's
only by God's grace.

In the recent news for food, after being offered fried caterpillars, I
was offered a fried mouse with enshima today by John, one of the
younger boys. I found it's a common practice for this to served and is
sometimes even considered a delicacy! Fortunately, I had already eaten
with Nicholas, and was able to respectfully decline. Cateripillars
yes, because I can't recognize them, but a mouse with its head and
tail sticking out? I just can't say yes yet. You can ask me later
perhaps and we'll see if I decline the opportunity.

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