Thursday, July 7, 2011

June 27

We started the day at 6:00 AM with the interns at God's House Ministries with devotions and sharing testimonies and what God has been doing in Kalomo. I also got to share a little of what God has done through Bianca and myself in Linda the last two months.. I also got to meet the Brown family who are considering joining the African Child ministries in Kalomo.

This morning we went to a compound in the area to play with Children. It was a most interesting expereicne as we visited with the area chiljdren and simply just played with them and prayed for them. The favorite game that some of the children liked was running laps around the compound, chasing after the tennis ball in my hand that Rob and I threw back and forth. The compounds were very similar to Linda Compound in the sense that they were very compact however were a little less densely populated. To my surprise while Kalomo is a Tonga speaking area, the vernacular Nyanja I spoke, many children understood as well.

In the afternoon we visited an orphanage kept by Church of Christ. While the interns spent time with the children, Rob and I got to pray for each other, and relay what God's been doing in each ministry. He was such an encouragement to me these last two months as he was the first man to call us to welcome us back to Zambia.

I spent the day in Kalomo, before taking a night bus and arrived in Livingstone to visit Robert Shawa( my translator in Linda).

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