Thursday, July 7, 2011

June 26

After what was one of my longest days of my life, we spent last night at Light of Hope. We got the neat opportunity to visit God's House Ministries which is down the road. I belive I mentioned earlier in My blog running into Pastor Ryan McCarty and his daughter walking through Linda. While Pastor McCarty had left Zambia by this time, Bianca and I thought it would be good to go visit his church that he has planted and make future connections. The big yellow striped tent was full of people as we walked in and we were most astonished at the great preaching which was about how Christ is our interceder. This sermon was an inspiration for myself as we walked back to LOH, and I decided to incorporate it into my message to give to the Light of Hope Gospel Church that morning.

 The sermon was on the Love of Jesus Christ, a topic that the Lord has revealed too many revelations about for me to count this summer. Rehighlighting the power that His Love has in keeping the Body of Christ together, the Lord also had me speak on a topic that I've had such a hard time thinking on. Luke 12 marks very clearly on how we has humans cannot add an hour to our lives and should therefore never worry about tomorrow as the Lord will provide for us. This concept for me has been incredibly difficult, especially to say to Zambians. How can I as an American give this sort of message to Zambians? I've emptied all of my suitcases since coming here ( I might get charged at the airport for having too light of a suitcase), but even then I am in no case to say that do not worry about what you will wear. While I may get the opportunity to have the life of no electricity and no water for 2 months, when I back in July, I get my family and my comfortable life back, CAN I REALLY SAY don't worry about what you will wear or what you will eat tomorrow?? And as I struggled with this, the spirit really pushed it through in my heart. Christ Came down to earth and lived for over 30 years before starting in his ministry? Why? Because he wanted to live just like humans, being born in the low of lows in a manger. He gave up everything, and while I as an american spanish student have no idea what exactly these individuals are going through, their father in heaven, has every idea. And that is sufficient.  Bianca and I also got the opportunity to announce the exciting news that we will be starting a Bible library at Linda through Light of Hope. As the service ended at around 12:30, my eyes were twitching, when I shook Victoria's ( Pastor Phiri's  5 year old daughter) hand after the service, the smile on her face almost made me just lose it and let all the tears flow. Here was a girl who was born with some birth complications who lives with true joy. While still at the age 5 she can barely walk, and can barely talk, she had true joy. This was my sister that I was leaving, and while I had lived nearly just at her level for two months, it didn't seem fair that I could walk out, until you take the perspective of faith into true perspective. Bianca and I left Linda soon after the service, and a tearful goodbye to our last church service.

This evening I took a bus from Lusaka to Kalomo to visit African Child Ministries led by Rob and Christa Murphy. Bianca will stay in Lusaka for these two days as I visit the two ministries in Kalomo in Livingstone The bus ride was from 19:00, and I arrived in Kalomo at around 1:00 a.m Unfortunately the bus driver had forgotten that I was to get off at Kalomo ( final destination is Livingstone). And so I got dropped off about a mile away from the bus station. After calling Rob he was able to find me.

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